The Single Source Supplier for Fire Retardant Panel Products
Added 02.13.17
When it comes to specifying high performance, fire retardant panel products, James Latham offers one of the widest ranges of certified and independently tested materials on the market, all available directly from stock and through one single source, thanks to its nationwide network of depots.
Fire damage in buildings can be devastating and as a result, fire retardant products are increasingly being specified in construction to help reduce this impact. Latham’s extensive collection of fire retardant products includes; CE marked Birch Plywood, Timber Cladding, Chipboard, MDF, MF/MDF, OSB, and Decorative Products for interiors including Valchromat, MFC, HI-MACS solid surface, Laminates and Fire door blanks.
All products are certified and independently tested to Euroclass B or Euroclass C and copies of these reports, and the Field of Application are available to download from
These fire tests are carried out for the manufacturer by an approved third party and measure readings such as; rate of fire propagation, lateral fire spread, total heat release and smoke production.
Andrew Wright, Director of Lathams Limited said, “The number of projects where Fire Retardant products are being specified is growing all the time. When the correct fire retardant product is specified and installed in accordance with the Field of Application, it can provide the first line of defence in a fire, helping to protect lives in both commercial and residential properties.”
Mr Wright added, “We are continually reviewing our range to ensure we have the most up-to-date offering available for all our customers and our team of knowledgeable and experienced staff can provide information and samples for all these products.”