Specialist thermal door blanks to meet the current and future changes in the UK Building Regulations. Ply faced, decorative finish. Solid and stable construction, smooth surfaces. Can be routered, trimmed, lipped and glazed.
Laminesse Klima – Thickness 56mm
Max sizes 2470 x 1150mm :
U Value: 1,27 W/m2 K 100% solid timber Thermal door
Easy to process: routering and edging
5mm ply veneer faces (Anegre face)
High security performance
EI30 (EN1634-1)
Laminesse Klima PU – Thickness 56mm
Max sizes 2470 x 1150mm :
U Value: 0,89 W/m2 K Thermal door
Easy to process: routering and edging
5mm ply veneer faces (Anegre face)
High security performance